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意玛沥青混凝土拌合站涵盖CSM 120、CSM 200 、CSM 240、CSM 320等系列产品。我们生产的沥青混凝土拌合站及相关的工程设备不仅销往中国境内而且还出口到海外市场,通过持续不断的探索和发展, 已经在产品质量、生产管理及售后服务上取得了客户的广泛信任,从1998年至今与欧洲企业合作并从事OEM沥青混凝土拌合站的生产并达到德国DIN生产标准,目前OEM生产并销售在海外的沥青混凝土拌合站近150套。公司本着质量第一的理念,通过了ISO9001质量体系认证和德国劳埃德(GL)海运标准集装箱船级社认证。
Company Profile
Jiangsu Yima Road Construction Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the professional manufacturer of road construction machinery equipments, especially specilized in asphalt mixing plant. As an integrative enterprise of the design, development, production and marketing, we have the comprehensive abilities of the design, advanced production and consummate management, so we can ensure our customers the reliable quality and utmost service.
Main products: asphalt mixing plant equipment, asphalt distribution truck, modified asphalt equipment. We have almost 300 employees, in which there are 5 senior engineers and more than 30 senior technicians.
Yima asphalt mixing plant products range from CSM-120, CSM-200, CSM-240, CSM-320 to form a series products; The asphalt mixing plant and relevant machinery equipments we manufactured not only sold to domestic markets of China, but also sold to oversea markets; Through continuous exploration and development, we already got the customer’s trusts on the quality of our products and manufacture ability. The design concept of container asphalt mixing plant to reduce the asphalt mixing plant’s removal and transportation cost, comply with energy saving concept that the globe advocated, reduce powder emission, have many advantages on the construction of poured and injection methodology asphalt pavement. Since 1998, we cooperate with european enterprises for the OEM asphalt mixing plant, passed the DIN manufacture standard of Germany, now, we almost OEM manufacture and sold 150 asphalt mixing plants to oversea markets. Our company had gained the ISO9001/2000 certificate with the concept of quality first and germanischer lloyd 's ship classification society.We will continuously improve design, development, production, marketing and service for the aim of one integrative network management.
Jiangsu Yima Road Construction Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. will popularize our products on the markets with professional team, superior quality products and sophisticated after-sale services, integrate all advantages and try our best to fully meet the widespread customer’s needs.
联 系 人:宋经理